story of a santri against a fake guardian in East Java #true story #islamic story #mystery story Alif, who had just graduated from a boarding school, had to fight in a remote village. He was faced with slander and a difficult test. He was slandered by Dul Kobar, a fake guardian who turned out to be a servant and slave of Satan. But Allah will surely help his true and patient servants. #true story #islamic story #alif story #guardian story #charm of the guardians #mystery story #struggle story #santri story #islamic preaching story #islamic story #islamic story #real story #islamic story #alif story #guardian story #charm of the guardians #mystery story #struggle story #santri story #islamic preaching story #islamic story #islamic story cementil, islamic story, cementil, islamic story, story of the guardians, satanic guardian, story of the devil, legend story