Here we are at the sixth episode of the restoration/renovation of this Renault 4LF6. On the menu: I discover with horror that the condition of the chassis is much worse than I thought because it is completely eaten away by rust in very specific places. Cutting, welding and a good dose of DIY will allow me to achieve my goals and make serious progress on this project! Enjoy, don't hesitate to subscribe and like with a thumbs up! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link to the prize pool for the MGB GT: https://www.leetchi.com/fr/c/quand-un... -10% off the AVHRIT sabre saw with the code 97WRQYIW valid until January 29, 2024: Product link: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0CB69475S 20% off the UAOAII 1000nm impact wrench with the code 6XQQBCNP (until February 29, 2024) Product link: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0BVB28F4S?th=1 -10% off at the excellent Made4L with the promo code CVVT Website link: https://made4l.fr/ Youtube channel link: / @bycharlesenrit -5% off with the promo code CVVT5 at our friends at Carross.eu : Website link: https://www.carross.eu/ The Retro4L website link (another big thank you to them!): https://www.retro4l.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find me on social networks: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Instagram: / cvvt.byvincentraynaud The Shop: https://cvvt.myspreadshop.fr My le bon coin profile: https://www.leboncoin.fr/profil/4fdae... (the 405 Mi16 is for sale there by the way) Don't forget to subscribe, put the little bell so you don't miss any videos and to like, it's the best way to support me!