Let go to start over from scratch! Without a doubt, migrating is a transformation process that involves many nuances that range from the emotional part, through various legal and financial stages, to the practical part of the change process. You have to leave behind many things, people, jobs, and even habits, to be able to embrace the new. In this video, I share my experience of letting go, reorganizing priorities, reinventing myself professionally, and adapting to life in a new country. Tips, reflections and everything we learned about the value of letting go to rebuild yourself. Like this video and share it with more people who, like you, are living, or about to live, this journey in a new country. »»» Follow my profile on Instagram: https://bit.ly/InstagramVMP Sign up for the Jornada Portugal course waiting list: https://bit.ly/JornadaPortugal_Site Receive my emails: https://bit .ly/AssineVMP Discover our services: https://jornadaportugal.com.br/links/ Get in touch: [email protected] »»» #portugal #portugaldenorteasul #morarnaeuropa #estudaremportugal #viveremportugal #morarfora #europa #visitportugal #portugal2023 #portugal2024 #voumudarparaportugal #moraremportugal #duplacidadania #brasilportugal #vivernaeuropa #vistoparaprocuradetrabalhoemportugal #vistoparanomadedigital #imoveisdeluxoemportugal #portugalporelas