MY INTERVIEW AT AIMA ART. 88 Unemployed LEIRIA - LISBON How was our interview at Aima by Art. 88 (employment contract). We live in Leiria and after 2 years and 3 months we received our interview date, but the location will be in Lisbon. Information video about Unemployment Benefit: • VLOG: Unemployment Benefit in Portugal... LINKS TO YOUR ESSENTIAL IMMIGRATION PLANNING Are you afraid of arriving in Portugal and not being able to find a rental? What if you arrive here with the keys in hand? Wouldn't it be perfect? I recommend you a Relocation company specialized in finding your home in Portugal and handling all the bureaucratic aspects for you https://contate.me/relocationjacqueol... WANT TO SEND YOUR MONEY FROM BRAZIL TO PORTUGAL? MAKE YOUR WISE CARD THROUGH MY LINK AND GET YOUR FIRST TRANSFER OVER R$800.00 FREE https://wise.com/invite/ih/jacqueline... Say hi to me on Instagram @jacqueoliveirabr #vamoscolhiportugal # Primeiroanoemportugal #brasileirosemportugal #leiriaportugal #brasileirasemportugal #portugal2024 #interiordeportugal #morandoemportugal #portugaldenorteasul #jacquelineoliveira #jacqueoliveira #leiria #entrevistaaima