Sérgio comments on the Starliner spacecraft and also talks about the most impactful science news of the week. @pedropallotta spaceorbit.com.br --------------------------- The links discussed in the episode are available on our website on the NV99 platform: https://nv99.com.br/cienciasemfim --------------------------- SEND YOUR MESSAGE https://nv99.com.br/cienciasemfim/live ---------------------------- Commercial Contact: [email protected] ---------------------------- HOST: Sérgio Sacani Twitter @spacetoday1 Instagram @spacetoday1 OPERATION: Cristian Meireles Instagram @cristian.mcruz PRODUCTION: Gabi Augusta Instagram @gabiaugusta_ SOCIAL MEDIA: Bia Gonçalves Instagram @beattrizgmarketing CUTS OF ENDLESS CIÊNCIA / @cortescienciasemfim 00:00:00 START 00:11:08 IT FINALLY HAPPENED! 00:32:05 CHINESE MISSION to the MOON 00:41:02 ELON MUSK DID NOT EXPECT THIS 00:49:12 TYPES OF SPACE FUELS 01:04:37 FIGHT WITH NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON? 01:07:45 WHAT IS SPACE X HIDING? 01:25:34 FAILURES IN THE STARSHIP