How can we adjust the automatic switch of the pump? The pump is turned on and off by the automatic switch of the pump, and therefore adjusting the pressure on it is very important. In this clip, Mr. Esmaili, the technical supervisor of the 24-hour installation complex, explains in detail how to adjust the pressure of the mechanical automatic switch of the pump. 00:17 Water pressure fluctuation due to the lack of adjustment of the pressure of the automatic switch 00:51 Mechanical automatic switch 01:05 Opening the cover of the automatic switch 01:13 Mechanism and operation of the automatic switch 01:51 How to determine the pressure of the pump to turn on and off 03:27 How to reset the pressure of the pump to turn on and off 05:08 When the pressure range of the pump to turn on and off is too low? 05:40 How to increase the pressure range of the pump to turn on and off 06:04 Standards of mechanical automatic switches (maximum and minimum pressure range) 06:45 What should be the normal pressure of the pump to turn on and off? Contact the 24-hour facility complex: (+98)-21-91013761 (+98)-21-26407476 (+98)-21-77683856 Follow our website and social networks https://piping24.ir / piping24.ir https://t.me/s/PiPing24