I spent the night not far from Kalach-na-Donu in Surovikino, near a cafe. The next night was in Kamyshin near the Magnit store. I didn't get to Saratov as planned, there was heavy fog and rain. The next day, the direct road Saratov - Syzran and then Ulyanovsk. Rutube Mechanoid https://rutube.ru/channel/23488227/ Zen Mechanoid Channel ???? https://dzen.ru/mehanoid Telegram Mechanoid ???? https://t.me/+YHhSkPP152I1NmRi VK page https://vk.com/andsk73 Email: [email protected] ????You can help with a ruble here https://www.donationalerts.com/r/andsk64 ????Sberbank card: 4276 1609 2679 5262 Andrey S. Subscribe! Like if you liked the video!