The liver has many important tasks. If it no longer works properly, this can have serious consequences for the entire body. Symptoms such as extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, itching or nausea can be caused by a liver disease. However, since liver diseases do not cause pain, they often go unnoticed. What can you do for a healthy liver? What is the importance of liver values and what are the most common liver diseases? Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Dechêne Medical Director of the Department of Internal Medicine 6, focus on gastroenterology, endocrinology University Clinic of the Paracelsus Private Medical University, Nuremberg Recording of an online event in cooperation with südpunkt Nuremberg on September 8th, 2021. Contact: Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Dechêne, Medical Director of the Department of Internal Medicine 6 Tel: 0911 398-2950 E-mail: [email protected]