Snow Man will be appearing at the Yokai House for the first time in six months! We will be revealing Snow Man's talk in the car before arriving at the house about their recent activities, including their first appearance at Paris Fashion Week and their first appearance on a Sunday drama! ★Free streaming of the latest episode on Tver!! https://tver.jp/lp/f0085494 ★Previous episodes now streaming on Paravi!! https://www.paravi.jp/title/77957 ◆Program Overview◆ Sakurai and Ariyoshi will get close to the real thoughts and true faces of the celebrities who are currently in the spotlight and who they "want to see! know! find!" [MC] Sakurai Sho, Ariyoshi Hiroiki [Studio guests] Fukazawa Tatsuya, Raul, Watanabe Shota, Mukai Koji [Location guests] Miyadate Ryota, Sakuma Daisuke [Associate members] Tanaka Takushi (Ungirls), Kikuchi Ami *In alphabetical order http://www.tbs.co.jp/the-yakai/ / theyakai / theyakai #theYakai #SakuraiSho #AriyoshiHiroiki #YakaiHouse #TBS