This documentary tells the story of the Special Operations Battalion of the Military Police of the State of Goiás (BOPE), showing how the state's special operations took place and how they were shaped over the years until they reached their current form. Its story is of men who contributed to its development until it reached the elite level of the state of Goiás, with its main activities, tactical operations, bomb squad and snipers. Direction and Screenplay: Matheus Gama Executive Production: Fernando Pagliarani Cinematography: Douglas Oliveira Sound Mixing: Daniel Monteiro Graphic Artist: Mateus Breseghelo Soundtrack: Doug Maxwell Production: Set de Cinema Testimonials from: Célio Pereira Bueno Wendel de Jesus Costa Wellington Fernando Mendes Antonio Carlos Custodio Daniel Frazão Giovani Rosa da Silva Ana Mauritânia Aldemar Filho Jorge Rento da Costa Werlen Vieira da Silva Jonatan Missel