One of the unique programs in the Azerbaijani television space is the program "Sirdash" broadcast on Sundays on "Khazar" TV. The name of the program is a collection of hidden moments carved into the stones of the entire Azerbaijan. The secrets that the historical places we pass by actually hold are fully explained, and the depths of our history are instilled in the audience. The program, hosted by the well-known TV presenter Rahib Azeri, talks about interesting memories of the mysterious, hidden past that are not written in books. He travels around Azerbaijan, exploring tombs, mosques, castles and other historical monuments in the regions, and presents interesting secrets to the audience. It is very interesting to see places we have never known, as well as listen to the hidden moments. Therefore, do not forget to watch the program to learn about both the visible and invisible aspects of our history. Subscribe to My Channel: https://goo.gl/NhfWlc Our Social Media Accounts; Our YouTube Channel ► https://goo.gl/aZkV2v Our YouTube partner ► https://goo.gl/s9GUjV Facebook ► https://goo.gl/jA24HS Our Animated Page ► https://goo.gl/XhFMFn Khazar News ► https://goo.gl/2ChtjL Khazar Show ► https://goo.gl/HzZz6T Khazer Film ► https://goo.gl/v7cuIF