OFFICIAL CHANNEL ::: All humanity and every person are in a deep fall and corruption, and he himself cannot correct himself and save himself, and become worthy of the Kingdom of God. The Lord Jesus Christ corrects man, for this is why He came to earth, but He corrects those who believe in Christ and realize their corruption or, as we are more accustomed to say, their sinfulness. So the Lord says: For I came not to call the righteous (i.e. those who consider themselves righteous, good), but sinners to repentance (Matt. 9:13) - namely, those who saw their corruption, sinfulness, their powerlessness to correct themselves, and who turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for help, or rather, who beg the Lord for mercy, for cleansing from sinful ulcers, for healing the leprosy of the soul and the granting of the Kingdom of God solely by the mercy of God, and not for any of our good deeds. PLAYLIST "ALL ABOUT MAN" • ALL ABOUT MAN PLAYLIST "APOLOGETICS (2019)" • 2019 (APOLOGETICS) ????Osipov Alexey Ilyich - Russian Orthodox theologian, Honored Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, Doctor of Theology. For a more objective assessment, it is important for us to know the opinion of everyone who watched this video ????????. Archive of lectures and books https://Alexey-Osipov.ru About the meaning of life. Is there a God and who is He? The truth of Christianity. What is Orthodoxy? Spiritual life. About love, marriage and family ... Apologetics course 2019, lecture - 12. MDA, 2019.04.02 __ DOWNLOAD https://alexey-osipov.ru/video/apolog... OFFICIAL SITE https://Alexey-Osipov.ru YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/user/osipoval... INSTAGRAM / professor_osipov VK https://vk.com/a_i_osipov FACEBOOK / aiosipov OK https://ok.ru/prof.osipov TELEGRAM https://t.me/professor_osipov VIBER https://invite.viber.com/?g2=AQAOCNM6... YANDEX ZEN https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5db9805c3480... #christianity #sin #spiritualDevelopment TIKTOK / professor_osipov __ #man #sins #vices #sinfulness #sinner #corruption #depravity #people #hell #humanity #antichrist #demons #depravity #Osipov