Silvio Garattini reveals the secret of longevity at the Aging in Progress Congress organized by the Aging Project of the University of Eastern Piedmont. The 21st century has been characterized by unprecedented epidemiological and demographic changes. The average age of the general population has increased exponentially worldwide and, in this context, Italy is one of the countries with the oldest population in absolute terms. Furthermore, demographic forecasts for the coming decades confirm this trend and suggest a probable further increase in the proportion of elderly subjects. It is therefore clear that the issue of aging must be addressed as a priority, both for the healthcare system and for scientific research. Research on this topic is particularly complex and deals with multiple topics: molecular mechanisms of aging, determining factors of healthy and pathological aging, hospital organizational models and primary care for elderly and frail patients, preventive medicine. The Department of Translational Medicine (DIMET) of UPO, also thanks to the funding of the Extended Partnership Age-It, has oriented its research on the issues of aging with the Excellence Project Aging Project. This Congress is aimed at addressing, together with healthcare professionals and citizens, some of the most relevant issues related to research on aging, as well as disseminating part of the results obtained within the research projects of DIMET and the Age-it partnership. https://www.agingproject.uniupo.it/ / agingproject.uniupo / agingproject