Blood on the floor, walls and furniture. Such a terrible picture was seen by law enforcement officers when they arrived on a call to one of the capital's apartments and found a 6-year-old boy with numerous injuries and almost no signs of life. The first version - a 6-year-old boy with a disability fell from the window of the 3rd floor. However, law enforcement officers and doctors quickly found out the truth. An acquaintance of his mother abused the defenseless child so cruelly. Doctors fought for Vladyk's life for three days. But in vain... An accident, animal murder or the fatal result of maternal irresponsibility? ------------------- "It affects everyone" - a television project that changes life. "Applies to everyone" - a television project that changes lives. Subscribe to the YouTube channel "Kasaetsya khevskogo" - / telecastsk "Kasaetsya khevskogo" on Facebook - / inter.sk Subscribe to Andrey Danilevich's channel on YouTube - / @andriydanilevych Official page of Andrey Danilevich - / andriydanilevich Subscribe to the "Inter" channel on Youtube - / intertvua The official page of "Inter" on Facebook - / inter.ua The website of the "Inter" TV channel - https://inter.ua/ru/