A journey to discover the protagonists of psychology. #psychology #podcast #passionpsychology #freud Sigmund Freud before psychoanalysis. In this episode we will talk about how the young Freud approached his revolutionary discovery. We will talk about his first experiences and his disappointments. We will enter his office to understand what happened in the first sessions of what would become "psychoanalysis". In this new episode we will talk about hypnosis and the treatment of hysteria but also about the love for his future wife and the fundamental relationship with his friend Joseph Breuer. Finally we will delve into one of the most famous clinical cases described in the "Studies on hysteria", that of Anna O. Dr. Alessandro Mazzoli - Psychologist in Vigevano Psychology Practice - Counseling, support and psychological support - Appointments in the office and online - Psychology of change Information My website: https://www.passionepsicologia.it Facebook page: / passionepsicologia.it Instagram profile: / passionepsicologia.it Contacts: https://www.passionepsicologia.it/ale... #passionepsicologia #psychology #psychoanalysis #psicologiaitalia #psyche #dissemination #science #history #culture #philosophy #lesson #thought #biography #fatherofpsychology #historyofpsychology #freud #sigmundfreud #freud #hypnosis, #hysteria #trauma #unconscious #charcot, #breuer #clinical case #annao #freeassociations #catartic method #podcast #passionepsicologia.it Freud explained well Freud explained easy