Case Files Shocking cause of series of unusual deaths in a village in Hanoi Fearing the "revengeful" spirit of dogs, the villagers no longer dare to butcher dogs, but instead hire workers from elsewhere. Join the channel to enjoy special privileges: / @vandehomnay TODAY'S ISSUE - Update news 24 hours a day Register and press the notification bell to update the latest and hottest news: https://bit.ly/3zF8KRw today's issue, vtc news, vtc now, vtv1, panorama 24h, news, hot news, news today, latest news today, latest news, current news, 24h news, security and order, strange cases, latest serious cases, Vietnam's serious cases, Vietnam's latest serious cases, horrific serious cases, serious cases, most horrific cases in Vietnam, pha an's journey, crime solving journey, case files, pha an's journey best, case investigation, case traces, life stories, strange stories.