Seven Stars Family is a Syrian comedy series produced in 1997, consisting of 27 episodes, each discussing a specific social topic. It tells the story of people living in one house, united by poverty and simplicity with comedic paradoxes. The series is written by Mamdouh Hamada and directed by Hisham Sharbatji. It is the third part of Five Stars Family, which witnesses the return of Syrian artist Samia Al-Jazaery. The series, with its four seasons, is considered the first Arab series of the (Situation Comedy) style, or what is known in short as (SitCom), as it was only represented by interior filming in the (one decor) style, and the camera shots did not go outside the courtyards, rooms, and external corridors of the house throughout the four parts. Seven Stars Family is a continuation of the characters of the Six Stars Family series after Afif swindled and defrauded all the family's property. The names of some characters were slightly modified, and some actresses were replaced: Krolla Thiban with Shukran Murtaja, and Karis Bashar with Norman Asaad. Characters[edit] Samia Al-Jazaery (Boran) Hossam Tahseen Bek (Abu Tamza) Basem Yakhour (Shafiq) Ayman Reda (Badie) Norman Asaad (Zahra) Shukran Murtaja (Ghada) Hoda Shaarawi (Umm Hani) Nizar Abu Hajar (Abu Jadaan) Shadi Zidan (Afeef) Gerges Jabara (Abu Najib) Mustafa Diab (Hani) Essam Suleiman (Abu Manal) Nibal Al-Jazaery (Manal) Amal Saad El-Din (Hanan). At the beginning of the episodes, the character of Hanan was played by actress Fadwa, but due to health reasons she was unable to complete her role, so Amal replaced her: Ahmed Khalifa (Abu Thamer), Hoda Khatib (Najla), Zeina El-Hallaq (Sally)