Accountant Deise Moura dos Anjos, 42, was arrested on charges of four double-qualified homicides for futile reasons and with the use of poison. On December 23, six members of her family fell ill after eating a cake in Torres, on the coast of Rio Grande do Sul. Three of the victims died of cardiorespiratory arrest. In September 2024, Deise's father-in-law died after eating products delivered by his daughter-in-law during a visit. The exhumation of the body, carried out last week, after the deaths related to the cake, confirmed that the man had also been poisoned. In other words, Deise killed her father-in-law and, three months later, tried to poison her mother-in-law, Zeli. In the ambush, she precipitated the death of three members of her own family, with whom she had maintained enmity and reservations. The Civil Police, armed with solid evidence, consider that they may be dealing with a serial killer. This Monday's Conversas Cruzadas (13), hosted by presenter Rodrigo Lopes, hosted live the delegate and director of the Rio Grande do Sul Interior Police Department, Cleber Lima, the GZH columnist in the area of public security, Humberto Trezzi, the psychiatrist and director of the São Pedro Psychiatric Hospital, Alceu Gomes, and the federal judge of the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region, professor at UFRGS and researcher in Human Behavior, Criminal Law and Neuroscience, Ângelo Ilha, to debate whether the suspect of the poisoned cake in Torres is a serial killer. Watch the full episode: • Poisoned cake in Torres: the suspect... #conversascruzadas #debate #serialkiller #torres #boloenvenenado