Among the key stages of pregnancy, screening for Down syndrome is one of the most worrying moments. Serum markers, ultrasound, how does the classic screening work? How reliable is NIPT, this new blood test from the mother in which the baby's chromosomes are explored? Does it really avoid amniocentesis? With us on this set to answer all your questions: Félicie, 31 years old, she is the mother of Céleste, 3 years old. During this first pregnancy, the screening gave her a few cold sweats. Today, she is 6 months pregnant again, she will tell us about it. Professor Alexandra Benachi, head of the gynecology-obstetrics department at the Antoine-Béclère hospital in Clamart. Follow La Maison des Maternelles On the FranceTV website: https://www.france.tv/france-5/la-mai... On Facebook: / lamaisondesmaternelles On Twitter: / lmdmf5 On Instagram: / lamaisondesmaternelles On TV: Monday to Friday at 9:20 a.m. on France 5