The new elections in February are not far away, the CDU will be the strongest force according to the polls and wants to change many things. For example, the citizen's allowance, which they want to abolish because it offers no incentives to work and work should be more worthwhile again. But is the citizen's allowance unfair to employees and can young people today rely on getting a fair pension later on? Four young politicians from the CDU, SPD, FDP and the Greens, who are very concerned about a worthwhile future, will discuss this on Markus Lanz. You can find the entire talk here: https://kurz.zdf.de/fx6O/ Other guests on the show: Jens Teutrine, FDP politician Maximilian Merseburg, CDU politician Anna Kassautzki, SPD politician Merle Spellerberg, Green politician _____ Here on ZDFheute Nachrichten you can find out what is happening in the world and what concerns us all: We provide insight into the world of news, explain the background and address social debates. Discuss with us in live streams and form your own opinion based on the facts we present to you. Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss anything. You can always stay up to date at http://www.ZDFheute.de/. #politics #pension #citizen's money #lanz