We will deliver the second part of Masamichi Sakamoto's talk. This episode is a must-have, and I'm sure it will change your way of thinking about the meaning of life and your worries. That's because, while living on this earth, there are many hardships and obstacles to overcome, but it seems that we are waiting for our turn to come to earth from another planet and be born as humans! It seems that misfortune is a precious thing from other planets, and we come to earth to have misfortune. Also, what is it that Monroe conveyed about coming to earth to learn? !! !! , , For me, the second part of Sakamoto's talk made me feel objectively about myself living on earth, and it made me feel better. I want many people to listen to it, so I would be happy if you could share it with your loved ones. So, please listen to the end. Please subscribe to our channel and support us by clicking the like button! Published on May 2024 ______________________ ※Until now, this has also been distributed as a podcast, but the server for Kotodama Interview was attacked at the end of 2023 and distribution became impossible. From now on, it will only be distributed on this YouTube channel. Thank you for your support. ______________________ To busy moms and dads. Thank you for your hard work, as you are always pressed for time, raising children, doing housework, and working, and you are busy every day. [Madoka's Kamishibai] We launched a kamishibai project in July 2022 that is gentle on children's eyes! It is made so that it can be enjoyed by children and adults alike ❤︎ Please take a look! ↓ All works folder link • ↓ Announcer reading [Madoka's Kamishibai] [Madoca's Kitchen] introduces delicious things that can be made quickly. • ↓Make quick meals in [Madoca's Kitchen] Also picks up [my recommended places, things, shops]. • ↓[My Recommendation List] [MadoLog] introduces the world I have experienced with my five senses! • ↓[MadoLog] The world I have experienced using my five senses, navigated by voice... _ ... _____________________ Kobayashi Madoka Official Blog "Madoca Style" https://ameblo.jp/madocastyle/ ____________________ FaceBook / madoka314 X / madoka314 Instagram / madoca_314 Threads https://www.threads.net/@madoca_314 ____________________ #MasamichiSakamoto#Interview #MadokaKobayashi#HemiSync#Radio #KotodamaInterview #Alien #Announcer #Afterlife#Japanese #Kotodama #Life#Podcast #Tipsforliving#Subtitled#Author #hemisync #Pleaselisten