My top list(s) 2024, top 5 favorite games and what that has to do with motivation and response - Today we're looking back at the board game year 2024 and I'm not just trying to focus on classic motifs like looting & leveling, exploration or progression, but also questioning what a board game leaves behind for me after a game and how replay value is created for me. We're not just looking at board game innovations in 2024, like Stationfall, Slay the Spire, Black Rose Wars Rebirth or Terrorscape, but I'm also including some games from previous years, like Spirit Island, Arkham Horror LCG, Kingdom Death Monster, Runebound or Hexplore it. There's also a lot of anticipation for board games in the new year 2025, so I'm telling you which games I'm particularly looking forward to in 2025, like Elder Scrolls or Arydia, and which crowdfunding campaigns are currently on my list. In addition to more niche games like Dragons Down, Hell Legends or Behemoth, established titles like Massive Darkness 2 Shadowreach, the new Myth board game and Aventuria Chalices of Power are also launching in 2025. And even for Shadows of Brimstone, a few new releases have arrived, like the OneShot Pack or the Narrative Encounters, which I'm particularly looking forward to in 2025. Grab some cookies and a cup of tea, the video is a bit longer :) Have fun! :) #dicediary #reroll 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:54 Introduction - to motivation 00:04:32 Resonance and what motivates me 00:11:34 Top lists 2024 00:12:22 Top list Emotional motivation 00:14:31 Top list Cognitive motivation 00:16:53 Top list Social motivation 00:22:07 Terrorscape 00:23:56 Stationfall 00:27:19 Earthborne Rangers 00:29:46 The Witcher Old World 00:33:15 Dungeon Degenerates 00:37:49 FateForge 00:41:20 Divinity Original Sin 00:43:03 Dawn of Madness 00:45:08 Slay the Spire 00:47:34 Fait & my game of the year 00:48:29 Current top 5 board games 00:48:49 Enshrouded 00:52:03 Anticipation 2025 00:54:29 Crowdfunding board games 2025 00:56:46 Motivation & response 00:57:40 Why YouTube? 01:00:00 THANK YOU! :) 01:00:37 Closing words & questions ------------------ Where else can I be found? BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/user/Ynezzz Instagram: / dicediary_ines ------------------ Music / Sound effects: Celebration by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... ------------------ Images / Overlays: Crowdfunding project pages and trailer videos of all the board games mentioned (Kickstarter / Gamefound) https://gamefound.com/projects/chip-t... Bethesda Media - https://elderscrolls.bethesda.net/de/... (https://bethesda.net/de/article/3XrnH...) Enshrouded Press Kit https://enshrouded.com/