Hi, nice to have you stop by! Here is a video from my and Max's trip to Sarek this summer (27 July - 1 August). We wanted to do this traverse of Sarektjåkkå's peaks last winter when we were there but got good weather and thus a revenge now in the summer, which was super fun. This is what the trip looked like: Day 1: Suorva - Guhkesvaggi Day 2: Vuojnestjåhkkå Day 3: Magnesite quarry (rest day) Day 4: Sarektjåkkå traverse Day 5: Guhkesvaggi - Gähppo (rainy day) Day 6: Gähppo - Saltoluokta Hope you get the urge to take out in Europe's largest wilderness, feel free to write if you have any questions. Thanks!