/Pogled.info/ The second part of Dr. Vladimir Trifonov's interview with Alexander Peske - politician and journalist, author of the Telegram channel PESKE+PESKE (Switzerland), expert on political and economic problems in Europe. "If the internal political contradictions in the US intensify, this can divert their attention from international processes and contribute to the restoration of good relations between the EU and Russia", believes the Swiss journalist and blogger Alexander Peske in an interview with Dr. Vladimir Trifonov. The main highlights of the second part of the conversation are: Are the industrialists of the Old Continent capable of changing the EU's foreign policy? Why Marx continues to be relevant in the XXI century; How domestic political processes in the US can influence European politics; Russia's mistakes under Yeltsin and their consequences. How can they be fixed? Is there a chance to restore the partnership between Russia and Europe? SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL POGLED.info AND RECOMMEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS Due to the timely publication of the show, we are forced to release it in Russian, for which we apologize for the inconvenience!? /VIDEO/ You can watch the first part of the interview here: • Alexander Peske: Today in Europe there is no ... Link to Alexander Peske's Telegram channel: https://t.me/apeske Tags: Alexander Peske, internal political struggle, USA , chance, relations, Russia, Europe