/Pogled.info/ "We live in the era of post-truth and public opinion is often influenced in order to achieve some important goal of powerful forces," believes Alexander Peske, who recalled that if Ursula von der Leyen's statement that in Russia, they took chips out of Chinese laundries, it was true, the refrigerators themselves would form a "mountain" that could be seen from space. The second part of Dr. Vladimir Trifonov's interview with Alexander Peske – politician, economist and journalist, author of the Telegram channel PESKE+PESKE (Switzerland), expert on political and economic problems in Europe. Main highlights of the second part of the conversation: Will the EU shoot itself in the foot by introducing sanctions against China? Why is it not serious to claim that Beijing is supplying arms to Moscow? Can Europe replace gas from Russia with supplies from Central Asia? Is it possible for Central Asia to ignore its geographical location and favor the West over China and Russia? Why is there a political crisis in Abkhazia? Will China be able to push the US out of South America? Is Brazil capable of creating its own macro-region? /VIDEO/ You can watch the first part of the interview here: • Alexander Peske: I don't believe in Europe ... SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL POGLED.info AND RECOMMEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS Alexander Peske's Telegram channel: https://t .me/apeske Tags: Alexander Peske, we live, era, post-truth, European Union, Borel, weapons, China, Russia