I Made 2 Transfers of Mandaçaias (Melipona quadrifasciata) ???????? ???? Be part of our Community: https://bit.ly/Quero-ser-Meliponicultor ???? In this video, Vilmar transfers two swarms of mandaçaias (Melipona quadrifasciata), one of the Stingless Bees that we raise in our Apiary Mel no Quintal. As we always say, each transfer is unique, so watch both until the end to see the details of each one. The first is the capture of a weak swarm, which needs extra care, it probably suffered with thermoregulation since the discs are gnawed and there is little movement, despite a considerable amount of food. The second, a swarm with many more foragers, very beautiful to see. After managing the transfer of this beautiful ASF, we sucked the bees and collected the foragers, we will update how they are in a few days, my friend Meliponicultor! Raise the mandaçaias, if you can, it is a very robust native bee. ???????? Follow the channel @melnoquintal, leave your like and follow our work: ▶️ Instagram: / melnoquintal ▶️ Facebook: / melnoquintal Feel free to comment and share with friends who may be interested. Please, liking the video helps the channel grow so that Stingless Native Bees and Meliponiculture reach more people. Nature thanks you and so do we. Thank you and see you next time! ???? Share this video: • I made 2 Transfers of Mandaçaias (M... ???? #melnoquintal #meliponario #meliponicultura #abelhasemferrao #abelhanativa #abelhasemferrão #asf