The ultimate inefficiency challenge is to kill Samira's coins. ○ Helpers (YouTubers) - 발__젭 - 아른님 ○ Helpers (Twitch) - Vinine0698 - 김언 ○ Sound effects used * Distributor: Copyright-free YouTube sound source & free sound effect service 'Mewpot' www.mewpot.com - Kane waiting clock TikTok Thanks to, KevanGC From: soundbible.com/1580-Ticking-Clock.html - The brake that stops on Lee Sin's head Thanks to, Mike Koenig From: soundbible.com/1178-Tires-Squealing.html - The whistle Thanks to, Mike Koenig From: soundbible.com/778-Whistling.html - The sound that plays when a minion presses Samira Thanks to, MIke Koenig From: soundbible.com/186-Dog-Toy-Squeaks.html - The sound of Samira's gun shooting at Jinx Thanks to, Kibblesbob From: soundbible.com/1788-Sniper-Rifle.html ○ Personal/Business: [email protected]