I am completely satisfied with life with the sable Carrot. I knew in advance what a mess awaited me and was ready for it even before the sable appeared. Moreover, as a precaution, I was literally preparing for the worst-case scenario, which, fortunately, only partially came true. Carrot is a mega destructive and extremely harmful thing that hates with a fierce hatred all living things except people, and even then... of people, she communicates well only with me and my husband, whom she has known since her sable infancy. And even then, from time to time, he gets painful bites in different parts of his body. I love her very much, but living with her in the same territory can still be difficult. You only have to blink - and the sable is already causing mischief. At the same time, the popularity of sables as pets is only growing. But the vast majority of those who want to have one do not even approximately imagine the scale of the mess that awaits them. A sable is not a cat or a dog. It is a sable. An animal, often with a disgusting character, changeable mood, sharp teeth and claws, regular seasonal exacerbations resulting in a thirst for your blood, as well as a built-in cactus in its soft rear end. With a high probability, a sable will cause damage to your home several times exceeding the cost of the animal. And finding veterinarians who know how to handle sables and are generally able to distinguish a sable from a ferret is a separate quest. Such specialists are far from available in all regions of our vast country. And you will still need a veterinarian sooner or later. Just take my word for it. The sable is cute. But is the cuteness worth all the hemorrhoids that will fall on your head with such an animal? You should think about this carefully. And think before dragging such an animal into the house. Because in case of failure, you will not be able to release your sable into the wild - it will die, and finding good hands for an adult animal is extremely difficult. Music: Tobu - Seven Tobu - Memory lane Tobu & Itro - Sunburst / tobuofficial