👉 REGISTRATION LINK: https://ep.engehalleletrica.com.br/se... ⚡️ FREE CLASS: How to Do a Complete Electrical Installation from Scratch, Easily, Even if You Are Not a Professional Electrician: ➽ https://eletr.co/aula?utm_content=yt1... ------ 📣 FAAALA ENGEHALL COMMUNITY 📣 Join our community on WhatsApp to receive valuable tips and news in the electrical area, important information and much more. 😉 👉 https://eletr.co/fala-eng?utm_content= ------ Did you like this video? 😍 ✔️ Leave your comment and share with your friends ✔️ Follow our networks ➽ https://eletr.co/links - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As soon as I turned on the shower, the power went out but the circuit breaker remained on (Part 02) Whoever watched the previous episode must have gone crazy, counting the seconds for this moment... Crazy to know the final solution After everything Charles went through, I confess that it gave me a feeling of pity lol. And after all, even after discovering the BO, until the moment we showed him he hadn't resolved the BO lol. But today, it's the continuation, today we're going to see how Charles dealt with this by watching part 02 of the mystery: As soon as he turned on the shower, the power went out but the circuit breaker remained on, and honestly the problem was simpler than it seemed... Before starting the class, a message for you here: stay tuned because the 4th edition of the Professional Electrician week is coming up next month. It will be a live, free event, but closed here on the channel, so you need to sign up through the link in the description. During this week I'll teach you how to design an electrical installation from scratch and, as a bonus, I'll teach you how to carry out the entire project, all of this step by step. Sign up for this event and become a much safer and more confident professional electrician! Back to part 2 of this BO, very quickly recapping part 1, Charles discovered a poorly made connection that generated a hot spot and caused the power to go out. The problem is that this wasn't the problem or rather, it wasn't the only problem, until then. Since he had already checked the connections inside the house and they were all ok, he went back to the QM inspection box to look for another problem. This time he checked the voltage in the phase cables with the help of his clamp meter. Then the following question arises: where is the problem? Connection of the cables to the circuit breaker (input or output)? Connection of the cables to the meter? Problem inside the circuit breaker? Remember that the standard has external and internal SEALS, so we cannot violate these seals, as this will generate a fine for the customer, understand? But one thing is certain, the BO is in the input standard, just look how he caught the problem... Well, in this case there was no other way, Charlão told the customer what the problems could be and advised the customer to open a call with the dealership. But then comes the old monkey's tip, since the problem could be in the input circuit breaker, he asked the customer to buy another one, the same as the standard one, a 60A NEMA circuit breaker and wait for the dealership to inspect it. The dealership came the next day and discovered that the problem was indeed in the circuit breaker. Although it reached both phases at the input of the circuit breaker, which had been there for almost 30 years, at its output there was only one phase passing through. Once the dealership replaced the circuit breaker, that was the end of this BO. In fact, Charlão is already looking at the next service: - he has already done the survey to change this master network and install a QDC there at the customer's house, and the damn thing ended up making a profit, he did one service and already scheduled the other! (AND TO THINK HE ALMOST GAVE UP ON THIS JOB, HUH?) And with all this, there's a lesson for us, this is useful even for those who have more experience, after all, any electrician can get tangled up in finding faults in houses with a mains network, but here's the thing: IN OLDER INSTALLATIONS, FIRST TAKE MEASUREMENTS ON THE INPUT STANDARD, IF THERE'S ANY POWER SUPPLY PROBLEM YOU'LL CATCH IT RIGHT AWAY. If the problem is in the internal installation, then you continue on the energy trail looking for where it could be, okay? Now answer me, have you ever gotten a problem like this? Answer me: yes, André, it's happened to me, or, no, André, I saw another problem here Engehall... Did you guess what it could be in the previous video? Did you already imagine that the problem was right in the main circuit breaker of the standard? It is worth remembering that the most liked comment on the previous video until the moment this video was released here, I will get in touch to send a gift, which will be an official PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN cap from Engehall, I don't know who it was yet, because I'm recording the video first, but I will get in touch to send the cap, my dear...