"Rozwadów then and now" is a documentary film showing the former town, now a district of Stalowa Wola. Rozwadów still arouses great emotions, sentiments, and many residents recall its former glory. There are also those, like Kazimierz Jackowski, who witnessed the tragic events that took place during World War II. The film "Rozwadów then and now" recalls interesting stories, presented through the eyes of people who have a broad perspective on the issues being reported. The stories about the Lubomirski family, the Rozwadów temples, monastery and parish church, the fate of the Jewish community are intriguing. The testimony of Kazimierz Jackowski is moving - a witness to the action of deporting Jews from Rozwadów in July 1942 or the shooting of several dozen hostages in October 1943. The viewer also wanders through the pages of the history of the Rozwadów "Sokół", learns a lot about the post-war trade in the town, and also takes a walk through the historic parish cemetery. The film is not lacking in both dramatic and humorous accents. All of this makes the two and a half hours fly by in an instant. The film "Rozwadów in the past and today" is a must-see, and we encourage everyone to do so. It's really worth it. "Rozwadów in the past and today" is a documentary film portraying the former town, now a district of Stalowa Wola. Rozwadów continues to evoke strong emotions and sentiments, with many residents reminiscing about its past glory. Individuals like Kazimierz Jackowski witnessed tragic events during World War II. The film "Rozwadów in the past and today" brings forth compelling stories, presented through the eyes of people with a broad perspective on the narrated topics. Engaging narratives include the history of the Lubomirski family, the Rozwadów temples, the monasteries, and the fate of the Jewish community. Particularly poignant is the testimony of Kazimierz Jackowski, a witness to the expulsion of Jews from Rozwadów in July 1942 and the execution of dozens of hostages in October 1943. The viewer also journeys through the pages of the history of the Rozwadów "Sokół" (Falcon), learns about post-war trade in the town, and takes a stroll through the historic parish cemetery. The film seamlessly combines both dramatic and humorous elements, making two and a half hours pass by in an instant. It is highly recommended to watch the film "Rozwadów in the past and today", and we warmly encourage everyone to do so. It is truly worthwhile. The "Nasze Czasu" media is good information and effective advertising. We invite you. Contact / Advertising / Business cooperation: [email protected] tel. 885-859-847 https://www.naszczas24.pl/ Support: Piotr Jackowski Publishing House "Nasz Czas" Nadsański Bank Spółdzielczy 42 9430 0006 0035 8938 2000 0001 #Rozwadów #StalowaWola