Roy Black and Heintje were guests on the show 'Music from Studio B' in September 1969. This show took place at the 27th International Radio Exhibition (IFA) in Stuttgart. Roy Black and Heintje also sing here together with Peter Fröhlich, who was the presenter of the show at the time. Heintje sings "Liebe Sonne, lach doch wieder" and "Scheiden tut so weh" solo, Roy Black sings "Das Mädchen Carina", "Dein schönstes Geschenk" and "Ich bin so gerne bei dir", the B-side of "Das Mädchen Carina" solo. With the singles "Dein schönstes Geschenk" and "Das Mädchen Carina", Roy Black was number 1 in the German charts in 1969. Heintje also sings both songs from the show in the feature film "Heintje - Ein Herz geht auf Reisen" (D 1969). Roy Black also sings "Your most beautiful gift" and "I'm so happy to be with you" in the film comedy "Our Doctor is the Best" (D 1969). Heintje's appearance in the show with "Dear Sun..." is already available on my channel, with sound remastered and in stereo, here: • Heintje - Dear Sun, laugh again... Tags: Roy Black Heintje Hein Simons Music from Studio B Music show Music program Entertainment show Show excerpt TV show TV show 1969 60s hit Film hit #RoyBlack #Heintje #Musicshow #HeinSimons #TVshow #TVShow #Excerpt #1969 #60s