Link to purchase the Electrical Calculations Spreadsheet: https://hotm.art/ytd-planilha-calculo... Link to purchase the Load Panel Calculation Spreadsheet: https://hotm.art/ytd-planilha-quadro-... Link to purchase the Electrical Plant Sizing Spreadsheet: https://hotm.art/ytd-planilha-plantas... __________________________________________________ If you like the Eletricity channel and want to contribute to the generation of quality content, then access one of the options below: PIX KEY ???? [email protected] QR CODE ???? https://bit.ly/doacao-pix __________________________________________________ ???? Check out our content ???? ???? https://linktr.ee/Eletricity __________________________________________________ Basically, the TT grounding scheme is one where there is no equipotentialization of the metal masses and there is also no Equipotential bonding of the neutral with the TT grounding system. To set up the TT grounding scheme, I have to create one or more grounding electrodes for metal masses or specific equipment. It is that famous grounding system well known by many electricians where I place at least 3 rods in a triangle or in a line, and connect this grounding to the electrical panel (QDC or QGBT) but I do not equipotentialize this grounding with the neutral (connection with the neutral) and I also do not do it with the other metal structures. This is the famous TT grounding scheme. Now let's look at the restrictions of the TT scheme according to NBR-5410: The prescriptions described below must be followed: a) in the TT scheme, in the automatic sectioning aiming at protection against electric shocks, differential-residual current devices (DR devices) must be used; b) the following condition must be met: RA x Idn must be less than or equal to UL where: RA is the sum of the resistances, in ohms, of the grounding electrode and the protective conductors of the masses; Idn is the nominal residual differential current of the DR device, in amperes; UL is the limit contact voltage, in volts. NOTE The limit contact voltages for different situations, depending on the dominant external influences, are given in Annex C. When, in the same installation, there are masses in different situations (for example, some masses under external influences characterized as situation 1 and other masses in situation 2) and connected to the same grounding electrode, the lowest UL value must be adopted. Observing the texts of the standard above, we can conclude that the use of the TT grounding system requires the installation of the IDR (DR) in all electrical circuits of the building. We can conclude that the TT grounding scheme is the worst grounding scheme that should be used. What ELETRICITY recommends as an adequate grounding scheme for both residential and commercial buildings is the TN-S grounding scheme. Here on the channel, you must have heard the terms “grounding scheme”, “equipotentialization”, “grounding electrodes” and “BEP” a lot. Let’s break down the terms a little more so you can understand them better: Grounding scheme – Format or characteristic of your grounding assembly according to the 4 conditions permitted by the standard (TN-C, TT, IT, TN-S). Equipotentialization – Placing all the masses (metallic) and metallic structures of a building at the same electrical potential. Grounding electrodes – Set of cables, rods, connectors and other accessories that make up a grounding system. BEP – Main equipotentialization busbar. ???? Tune in to #electricity ???? __________________________________________________ ???? Most Watched Videos: What they DIDN'T TELL you about the 3-PIN SOCKET CONTROVERSY. ???? https://bit.ly/2JE4P07 How to Make a Curve and Unevenness in Electrical Cable Trays. ???? https://bit.ly/2ABlrk4 Higher Voltage Lower Current, Truth or Myth? We'll Prove It for You (Part 01). ???? https://bit.ly/2xvtzRB Do You Know All the Functions of the Wire Stripping Pliers? ???? https://bit.ly/2GD5Sun What's Best for Shunts in Electrical Panels? We Tested It for You, See the Result. ???? https://bit.ly/2MDdrHl We Connected 3 Bulbs in a Star without Neutral. Will It Work? The Result is Impressive. ???? https://bit.ly/2BzUkH1 We tested the WAGO 221 connector and the result was incredible. ???? https://bit.ly/2PknMoz Insulator test. ???? https://bit.ly/2wEYcDV Connection test. ???? https://bit.ly/2MHQdzZ_ Do you know the threaded rivets? Do you know how to use them? ???? https://bit.ly/2J8bSMC We tested the porcelain connector. ???? https://bit.ly/2AddKRh