Antwerp is always a great funfair to visit, the terrain on the other hand is a big drama. You break your ankles every meter. It shouldn't spoil the fun, I enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy the video too. * As of 25-05-2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation law is in effect. This means that you are no longer allowed to deliberately photograph people if you are going to use those images for personal information * Anyone who is subscribed can imagine that he/she can be photographed or filmed. * Intentionally filmed people have given their permission to be filmed and to have them published. However, it is not forbidden for a street photographer/videographer to photograph people because I do not use the images for someone's data. This makes filming people legal. * If you really do not want to be photographed? Then you can speak to me on the spot if you please do not want to be photographed, then the images taken will be deleted immediately * Those who do not respond, have automatically tacitly agreed