⏰ It's almost time for the OAB exam, OABeiros!! And what better way to review than by solving FGV Tax Law questions? Come and learn about the exam board's style and receive valuable insights from our professor Rafael Novais, who will help you pass! ???? Prepare for victory in the 42nd Bar Exam with CERS' Free Final Stretch Course! https://conteudo.cers.com.br/curso-re... ????Prepare for the Bar Exam with CERS OAB: targeted study methodology, the best professors and the content that most approves in all of Brazil????. Sign up and check out our weekly video schedule focused on the Bar Exam - OAB. ???? Learn all about the Bar Exam: https://www.portalexamedeordem.com.br/ ????Start your studies for free! Check out our free courses for OAB: https://bit.ly/cursos-gratuitos-OAB ????????Say Hi to our Consultant and get discounts and special conditions: https://bit.ly/consultor-cers ????️Check out our free class schedule: https://bit.ly/aulasgratiscers Follow us on social media and don't miss any news: ????Instagram: https://bit.ly/InstaCERSOAB ????Tiktok: /cersoab ????Facebook: https://bit.ly/fbcersoab Let's go together! #OAB #ExamedeBardem #CERSOAB