Church service of the Confessing Evangelical Reformed Church in Gießen Please visit our website: http://www.berg-giessen.de Preacher: Jochen Klautke Sermon passage: Acts 18:23 - 19:20 How the power of the Word of God lets you grow on the way 1. It changes your thinking (18:23 - 19:10) 2. It drives away your enemies (19:11 - 16) 3. It changes your life (19:17 - 20) We would be delighted if you would like to support our service with a donation: Recipient: Friends of the Confessing Evangelical Reformed Church in Gießen and the surrounding area e. V. Bank: Volksbank Mittelhessen eG IBAN: DE12 5139 0000 0000 7356 04 BIC: VBMHDE5F