“Dying in Peace: Palliative Care vs Euthanasia” is the title of the new documentary produced by Goya Producciones in collaboration with the ACdP, the Telefamilia Foundation and the Cari Filii Foundation. The documentary answers the question of whether in the final stretch of life it is possible not to suffer, not to have fears or anguish, to be accompanied, to be treated with affection, to have peace, to see our last wishes fulfilled. The testimonies of doctors, nurses, psychologists, volunteers and relatives of patients show in this film that this is not a utopia, that it is a reality thanks to Palliative Care. If you want this video to reach more people, donate at https://www.goyaproducciones.com/mori... #DyingInPeace #PalliativeCare #Euthanasia #GoyaProducciones