CHANNEL INSTAGRAM https://bit.ly/SetemQuemFaçaTemQuemCo... Hi guys, in this video I will be showing the Gladys Artigos Religiosos Católicos store, in the 25 de Março region, if you are looking for rosaries, sacred images, ornaments, jewelry, accessories you will find many options, an entire store focused on the Catholic public, one of the most complete stores in the segment. I hope you like the video, a big hug to all. CHANNEL INSTAGRAM / setemquemquemcompre Gladys Artigos Religiosos Católicos Store Ladeira Porto Geral, 103 Fourth Floor - Downtown São Paulo SP Whatsapp (11) 98734-1672 IMPORTANT NOTICE! The prices shown in the video are subject to change, and the products are subject to availability in store stock. The sale of the products shown in the video as well as delivery, exchanges and returns will be made solely and exclusively by the store. If you have any questions, please contact them directly using the official contact information in the video description. #catholic #religiousarticles #ifthereareanyonewhodoesthereareanyonewhobuys