Phone ☎️ of the store to buy the white bleached from Pé de Galinha and all the products in the store. 14-997843790 Happy shopping ???? ???? ???? This phone number is for you to buy products from our partner here on the Artes da Mary channel. I am very proud to be here on our channel. ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? My address for gifts and letters. MARINETI Vicente dos Santos PO Box 1004 ZIP Code 16,200,907 Birigui SP. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Links to my social networks. www.instagram.com/marinetivicente / marineti.vicente.9 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Link to the video on how to make the bow. • HOW TO MAKE BOWS WITH FABRIC, (ARTS ... ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Shopping link at your home decor for all products. https://www.suacasadecoracoes.com.br/ purchase link for white bleached. https://www.suacasadecoracoes.com.br/.... ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Link to the artes da mary channel on YouTube. / artesdamary . ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? List of materials. One dishcloth measuring 70cm wide by 54cm long. Hem 56cm long by 30cm wide. Bias 56cm long by 3.05cm wide. Hook for hanging 18cm long by 3.05cm wide. 2x bow measuring 12cm long by 8cm wide.