To participate in the competition, you must be subscribed to my channel, as well as to Anna Petunova's social networks: VK group - https://vk.com/stitch_gallery Telegram channel - https://t.me/nyuta_petunova After that, write in the comments that you are participating and have fulfilled the conditions! GET TO THE CROSS-STITCH COURSE IN THE FIRST STREAM ON JANUARY 10 - http://stitch-course.com/ FOLLOW me here and join me on Instagram 📸 / kate_gudach 📺 My telegram channel - https://t.me/+zHoCX8jp9vBkNGIy Embroidery chat - https://t.me/+UJp3FamMV0rCwPKl 🤩 My VK group - https://vk.com/kate_gudach 📸 Marina's Instagram - / crusade_stitch 📺 Marina's VK - https://vk.com/public211482893 💥💥💥You can support the channel at the link https://www.donationalerts.com/r/kate...