#pokemon #videogames #ranking #science Let's go through time to the Hisui region, to learn about the regional forms of pokemon in this wild, cold, mountainous land. We will rank them from worst to best evolutionary concept that follows a natural, scientific, and coherent logic. If you are interested in knowing more about it, below I leave you some principles that I considered and premises that I accepted to carry out my analysis. Notions: Natural selection is the phenomenon by which organisms with the most appropriate characteristics adapt to a certain environment. These characteristics are inherited by parents to their descendants to perpetuate the species, and there can always be random mutations that grant new characteristics to individuals, which if it is an adaptive advantage, will increase their chances of being inherited to their offspring until it becomes a common characteristic of the population. Charles Darwin discovered this by observing birds of the same family but in which the morphology of the beak changed depending on the island (therefore, the type of food available) that they inhabited. This is how regional forms work in Pokemon, since some species have mutated their characteristics to better adapt to different environments. While in real life these variations could be considered NEW SPECIES, the taxonomy in Pokemon is not the same as ours. These individuals are simply considered members of the same species but with different characteristics, so they receive their common name plus the region that differentiates them. I accept this premise. However, in order to compare the fantastic universe of Pokemon with our knowledge of the real world, it is necessary to accept some premises for this analysis to work. FIRST, I did not consider the experience necessary to evolve and assumed that they are stages of growth and development that every individual would have at some point in their life. SECOND, I consider the existence of genetic material (It has been confirmed that it is a canon element in the franchise) and its similar functioning in our world, but I assume a much higher and more radical capacity for genetic variability and mutations, due to the very nature of evolution in Pokemon. This would imply that Pokémon would need much less time to adapt and change the necessary traits of their population (Not thousands, maybe just hundreds of years, even less) THIRDLY, the game canon explains to us that ANY POKÉMON CAN REPRODUCE BY EGGS AT ANY OF ITS STAGES, regardless of their morphology or constitution (The only exception are hatchlings and legendaries). There are contradictions in the game itself, as it says that some POKÉMON would reproduce by other means, some asexually and others basically by cloning. But again, regardless of the description of their biology, it is proven that all of them can have sexual reproduction and inherit their genes, so regardless of the lore of the Pokémon, I have considered that all of them are capable of inheriting their genes so the same biological rules apply to them. FINALLY, the most difficult issue to consider in this biological analysis is that of the TYPES OF POKÉMON. These creatures basically have superpowers, abilities beyond what our science can understand and that depending on their nature are classified by types. Even Pokémon classified as Normal, are capable of inexplicable feats, such as hyper beams. We have to accept these powers as part of the Pokémon nature, but the real problem comes when we have to explain some of the Type changes between regional variants. It is relatively easy to explain the morphological differences, for example, of a species that is forced to move to the snow, and changes its fur to white. But how the mechanisms of this work to change its type to Ice is something that escapes me. But I speculate that Pokémon absorb some of the "natural energy" of the environment to acquire their type. This is reinforced by the existence of Evolutionary Stones that some Pokémon need to evolve, stones charged with a certain element or "natural energy" that when exposed to certain Pokémon (For example, Eevee) they acquire the element of that stone and change their morphology with respect to it. Therefore, I also assume that just by adapting to an ice environment, a Pokémon could end up assimilating the Ice element and thus change its abilities and powers. So I will apply this premise, Pokémon that adapt to a natural environment, CAN ABSORB ELEMENTAL ENERGY TO CHANGE THEIR TYPE.