Homelander, is the main antagonist of The Boys series and is the strongest superhero created by the international Vought company, the leader of a superhero team known as the Seven who serves as a symbol of national security. Homelander is considered the greatest superhero ever. Not only can he fly, but he has super strength and durability that far exceeds the abilities of other superheroes, his super senses give him the power to see through, and can also shoot lasers from his eyes. More or less like Superman, but evil. In this video, we will discuss and dissect Homelander's psychology, internal conflict, identity crisis, and moral choices in carrying out his actions as a superhero. Join: / @ardhianzy SOCIAL MEDIA Subscribe: / @ardhianzy Instagram: / ardhianzy TikTok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSeYQDbD9/ WHO AM I Ardhianzy is a channel narrated by a student at a university in Indonesia. On this channel we discuss interesting ideas in philosophy and psychology and often from the perspective of characters in anime, movies, games and other media. CREDIT Written by Yusuf Abdhillah Edited by Valdi Zaelani