REFLECTION 2 LIFE PROJECT: The world of work is constantly changing. Transformations and growth continue throughout life. REFLECTION: We are experiencing constant changes in the world of work, with the emergence and extinction of some professions. Choosing a career involves a certain financial and emotional value, and young people do not want to make a mistake. To ease anxiety, it is important to understand that starting college is just the beginning of your professional experience, and later on you will have a lot to add. Even within a course, there can be many paths. Thus, many people discover what they want to pursue during college. However, there is no guarantee that a change of profession will not happen after a few years. Transformations and growth continue throughout life. For this reason, young people do not need to suffer because of the career they are choosing now, because it tends to change just like them. They can and should prepare themselves more and more to face social transformations and life situations. It is up to young people to look inside themselves and analyze the path they want to follow. Because it is they who will face the difficulties of the profession and the challenges that usually arise. It is important for young people to be very honest with themselves. Look at their skills, what they like to do and analyze the job market. NOTE: We will all need to be prepared for a rapid evolution in the future of the job market. Acquiring new skills that will be needed and redefining their intuitions about the world of work will be fundamental to their own well-being. There will always be a demand for human labor, but everywhere in the world workers will need to rethink traditional notions of where to work, how to work and what talents and capabilities should be offered in the job market.