What characterizes this special time from December 21st, 2024 to January 6th, 2025? Why are old traditions, myths, rituals and incense only a small part? What exactly makes the Raunächte period unique for all of us in this year 2024? Why does this only repeat itself again in 52 years? And how can YOU use this specifically for yourself and your life? You will find out all this and more in this video - so you can be excited. Would you like me to accompany you during this important time? In my Raunächte accompaniment from December 21st, 2024 to January 6th, 2025 you will receive a wealth of exercises, meditations, impulses and ancient knowledge that is harmoniously linked to the current quality of time, so that you can really apply this to yourself in the present time. The practical tools for easy implementation in your everyday life focus this year on the topics of LOVE, SELF-LOVE and healthy SELF-CARE. A workshop completely designed for the current quality of time and therefore unique awaits you - inspiring, varied and with a lot of heartfelt love. So feel warmly invited. No previous knowledge is required - I will accompany you step by step through this time with daily impulses. In addition to the 12 days and nights, you will receive 4 days of preparation, 1 day to conclude the Raunächte period and an individual one-on-one conversation to integrate your experiences. You can find more information on my website: https://bunt-und-ehrlich.de/raunaecht... Or write to me directly: katharina(@)bunt-und-ehrlich.de Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buntundehrl... Be there! I look forward to accompanying you through this special time. Kind regards, Katharina PS Note: this channel is not monetized, so I have no influence on the advertising displayed by YouTube!