Our hike to Rankovská skaly was a real test of endurance and teamwork for the family. The road was stony and peppery with sections requiring the carriage to be carried four times – but nothing stopped us! We climbed surrounded by the beauty of forests and the gentle breeze of an autumn day. The little adventurer in the carriage slept peacefully at times, his screams were heard at times, but his laughter at the top was worth it all. At the end of the difficult ascent, we were greeted by a view that erased all fatigue – a calming and breath-taking view of the surrounding landscape. This trip reminded us that the beauty of nature gives us the strength to overcome any obstacle. And that's why, with wonderful memories, this was our last ascent with a carriage to Rankovské skaly. #RankovskeSkaly #RodinnyVylet #DobrodruzstvoSKociarom #Priroda #TuristikaNaSlovensku #RodinneDobrodruzstvo #Prekazkyakrasa #SlovenskoTuristika #Vyhlady #InspiraciaNaTuru #PoslednyVyletkociarom #OutdoorovyZivot #SlovenskoCestovanie #HoryVolaju