Episode about the Alsthom 1600. For years it was seen at NS but got a 2nd or even 3rd life at various carriers. We take a look at Rail Force One and other carriers. The list of requirements that is discussed in the episode: Four-axle locomotive for both freight and passenger trains. 1350 Volt overhead line voltage. -Must be able to transport a heavy block freight train of 2400 tons with a maximum speed of 80 km/h or in multiple connection with a 2nd machine be able to maintain the same speed with 4800 tons behind it. -A container train of 1200 tons must be able to be transported with a top speed of 120 km/h. -The locomotive must be able to drive passenger trains of 500 to a maximum of 600 tons with a maximum speed of 160 km/h. -The tonne weight may not exceed 5 tonnes/metre and the axle mass may not exceed 20 tonnes per axle. -In daily use, the new electric locomotive may not enter the workshop for maintenance more than once every 25,000 kilometres. NS will pay attention to good accessibility of the parts, good interchangeability of parts and the use of standard parts. -For determining the comfort of the driver and the control desk, the UIC 617-5 file will be used (reinforced nose, good view, etc.) -The price of a new electric locomotive is currently around 2.5 million guilders for a lifespan of 30 years. Source: Uitgeverij Uquilair. And the book: https://railmagazine.nl/winkel/elektr...