#DearFriends#ThankYouFor#MaterialSupportForTheChannel#IThankYouToEveryone Only the one who HAS VICTORIOUS HIMSELF, WHO HAS VICTORIOUS HIS FEAR, HIS LAZINESS AND HIS UNCERTAINTY wins in this life. Find your purpose, reveal your potential, realize yourself as the Creator of your reality. ????I am a Spiritual Psychologist))) online office???????????? ✅ Revealing your inner purpose ✅ Revealing your potential in relationships ✅ Revealing your energy ????????????I conduct consultations, courses. ???? Communication format: diagnostics, online consultation, energy practices. Links .???????????? https://t.me/LVS_1958 https://vk.com/psiholog2023 Osho Indian philosopher. An Indian religious and spiritual leader and mystic, attributed by some researchers to neo-Hinduism, the inspirer of the neo-orientalist and religious-cultural movement of Rajneesh. A preacher of the new sannyasa, expressed in immersion in the world without attachment to it, life-affirmation, meditation leading to total liberation and enlightenment, and renunciation of the ego. Subscribe to the channel and click on the bell to receive new videos in notifications: ⚡️⚡️⚡️ENERGY EXCHANGE ⚡️⚡️⚡️ At the call of the Soul, you can leave a Gift from the Heart for the development of the channel ❤️: World: 2202 2021 1358 1353 Lyudmila Viktorovna From VTB: 5368 2902 1063 2602 Thank you for your help!