In this fairy tale, two sorceresses, Elif and Larina, accidentally end up in the human world, where they discover new, unusual objects and meet a girl named Marta. After spending a day together in this strange world, the sorceresses decide to leave Marta a magical amulet that will allow them to stay in touch. ???? Listen to wonderful stories in the form of audiobooks! ???? Fairy tales to fall asleep to that will take children to the world of magic. ???? The magic of friendship in every fairy tale. ✨ Wonderful fairy tales that will cheer up and calm your child before bed. Help us develop the channel ???? Subscribe to our channel to enjoy new fairy tales every day ???? / @bajkoprzygody ???? ???? Reward the videos with thumbs up ???? ❤️ Reward with hearts in the comments ❤️ #bajkanadobroniac #bajkidosluchania #bajkidladzieci #bajkipopolsku #słuchawowisko #słuchaowisko #audiobook