????The Second Letter???? Learn everything about the Revelation through 'Do not be afraid, for I have overcome the world'! ???? What exactly is the Revelation, apocalyptic literature? ???? Why should we listen to the Revelation right now, right now? ???? What are the meanings contained in it? ???? Father Peter Ahn Byung-cheol's Career Ordained as a priest in 1981 Studied at the Catholic University of Paris, France Former professor of New Testament Studies at the Catholic University of Korea Former parish priest at Uijeongbu 4-dong, Sejong-ro, Nowon, and Bangbae-dong Former secretary general of the Archdiocese of Seoul Former president of Catholic Peace Broadcasting and Peace Newspaper ???? cpbcTV broadcast time Mon 13:00 ???? YouTube broadcast time Mon 21:00 ???? Also available on cpbc Plus! English: https://program.cpbc.co.kr/tv/ahn_apo... #Revelation #Revelation #Apocalypse #Father Ahn Byung-chul #Bible #cpbc #CatholicPeaceBroadcasting #NewProgram ============================================= ???? Broadcast Mission ARS Sponsorship: 060-706-1004 (5,000 won per call) 060-706-4004 (10,000 won per call) 060-706-9004 (30,000 won per call) ???? Sponsorship inquiries, Daily Mass orientation application: 1588-2597 https://mrmweb.hsit.co.kr/v2/Member/M... ???? KakaoTalk Plus Friend : cpbc TV =========================================== VOD, AOD, and even news! You can enjoy more Catholic content in the ????cpbcplus???? app. Download it now! ◼ Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... ◼ iOS https://apps.apple.com/kr/app/cpbc%ED...