???? Be approved in the most competitive Medical Residency programs or the Revalida test. See the options with the Extensive Course + Question Bank + Cast combo: https://estr.at/catalogoemed ???? Check out the MED Strategy Podcast on Inflammatory Connective Tissue Diseases Part 2 - Rheumatology Class for Medical Residency ???? Prepare with Strategy and achieve success in the medical field! In 2023 there were 2007 approved, being: ???? 419 at ENARE ???? 511 at Amrigs ???? 226 at AMP ???? 114 at PSU-MG ???? 96 at USP-SP ????️ Pedro Ferreira Paiva Moreira-Largest note from SUS-SP ????️Rodrigo Montenegro Barreira-Larger theoretical grade from USP-RP ????️Rubens Gomes de Melo Teixeira - Highest direct access grade from SES-PE ????️Bruno Pontes de Araújo - First place overall from UEL ????Gabriel Oliveira Campos - 2nd Highest overall grade from ENARE ????Arthur Henrique de Macedo Godeiro - 2nd place overall in SUS-SP ????️Pedro Lima - Highest score General Surgery ENARE ????Gustavo Manetta - 1st place Psychiatry USP-RP ????Mikaela Santos Mascarenhas - 2nd Highest score in PSU-MG ????Pedro Mendes - 1st place neurology UFMG ????Filipe Ribeiro - 1st place Otorhinolaryngology USP-SP ????Camila Nascimento - 1st place Gynecology and Obstetrics USP-RP ????Jenielson Brito - 1st place Neurology Hospital Sírio Libanês ???? Subscribe to the channel and set the reminder to be notified for the next classes: https:/ /estr.at/ytmed_inscricao ???? Portal: https://med.estrategia.com/portal/ ????????⚕️Tiktok: / estrategiamed ???? Instagram: https://estr.at/MEDinstagram ???? Telegram: https://estr. at/MED-telegram ???? Facebook: / estrategiamed1 Get in touch with us: Help Center: https://atendimentomed.estrategia.com... Direct Sales WhatsApp Link: https://api.whatsapp.com/ send?phone=5... ???? Become an ambassador for the MED Strategy: https://estr.at/embaixadoresemed #EMED #residênciamédica #revalida