SIGN UP FOR GOLDEN THERAPIST WEEK! https://bit.ly/inscricao-mtc-yt ___________________________________ Discover how to identify the roots of these conditions and promote more effective diagnoses and treatments with exclusive tools from Chinese medicine. 💡 If you are looking for recognition and expressive results, don't miss it! ___________________________________ You can also find me ↴ Facebook ☛ / centrodemedicinachinesa Instagram ☛ / raquelterracmc Diagnosis ☛ https://diagnosticodeouro.com.br/ ------------------------------------------------------ Who is Raquel Terra: Raquel Terra has been a specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine for 20 years, working with training and excellent treatment, fully respecting the ancient tradition. Founder and director of the Center of Chinese Medicine since 2001, she has already transformed the lives of thousands of health professionals. Completely focused and committed to results, Raquel Terra is based on the principles of Eastern philosophy, which sees illness as a disharmony that occurs from poor energy circulation (Su Wen meridian concept – 550 BC).